

Other than that

Check the relationship between location and color
Right: Red Bottom: Blue 
Bottom left: Green Top left: Yellow

sponsered link

Upstairs Move to the wall where you can see the sea.

Go to Deck

sponsered link

Expand side table

Open a drawer

sponsered link

Expand ing of "equipment"

Check the law of movement when you press a button

Operating Law

Up Press: 45° rotation in top left and upper right

Right Press: 45° rotation in the upper right and bottom right

Down Press: 45° rotation at the bottom left and bottom right

Left Press: 45° rotation in the top left and bottom left

Middle Press : Reset Enter

In accordance with the law, the clue s of the deck equipment

Right: Red Bottom: Blue 
Bottom left: Green Top left: Yellow

Fit to

【 Get a bottle with water】